From George Freeman:
I am standing to speak up on the things our voters and constituents want to hear on issues like immigration, welfare reform and stopping the welfare tourism of immigrants being entitled to welfare above hardworking British citizens, the threat to British values from political wokery & extremist ideologies & the importance of defending British values of respect, decency, personal responsibility, duty & public service.
To win and keep Mid Norfolk blue we need to do a number of things very quickly for which I need your help:
- Stuffing c10,000 envelopes.
- Delivering a local personal letter from me and MNCA to each of our 40,000 households in 130 villages.
- Finding & erecting poster sites for big field posters in the new villages we are gaining.
- Raising £20,000 from local businesses and patrons. (If you are able to help, please use the enclosed form).
- Finding a village liaison supporter co-ordinator in each village.
- Joining me for a few hours one day when I’m in your area.
Anything you can to help - big or small - I would be most grateful.
If you are able to contribute to my fighting fund, details are attached - THANKYOU!